Qualcomm recently introduced its latest Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 chipset, which will be available in mid-range phones starting this month. While not as powerful as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, the new chipset boasts significant improvements over its predecessor, the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1.
These are the new features in the new series:
- Gaming: Auto Variable Rate Shading (VRS), Volumetric Rendering, Snapdragon Sound with Qualcomm aptX
- Capture: 18-bit Triple ISP, 200MP photo capture, staggered HDR video capture, AI Super Resolution, low light mode
- AI: Qualcomm AI Engine, Qualcomm Sensing Hub, AI Super Resolution
- Connectivity: Snapdragon X62 5G Modem-RF System, 5G/4G Dual-Sim Dual Active, Qualcomm FastConnect 6900 Mobile Connectivity System
The CPU is expected to deliver a performance boost of over 50% with speeds of up to 2.91GHz, while GPU performance is set to improve by two times and power efficiency by 13%. Additionally, on-device AI is integrated throughout the platform, offering over twice the AI performance compared to the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1.
Gamers can also expect exciting new features, including AI Super Resolution for upscaling game visuals and photos from 1080p to 4K resolution and volumetric rendering for particle graphics like fog and smoke. Auto variable rate shading will also enhance performance and power by rendering in-focus content at full resolution and limiting the background of a scene to a lower resolution.
The Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 chipset also offers impressive photo capabilities, supporting up to 200MP photo captures, HDR video capture with triple exposure from two cameras simultaneously, and 18-bit Triple ISP support for better images in low light. The chipset can capture 30 images and blend them into a single shot for brighter, clearer, and more colorful photos.
Finally, the chipset includes impressive connectivity features, including 4G and 5G dual SIM support, up to 4.4 Gbps download speeds over a data network with the new X62 5G modem and WiFi download speeds of up to 3.6 Gbps. With Redmi and Realme already set to use the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 chipset, it will be exciting to see the new features and capabilities it brings to these mid-range smartphones.